Friday 27 September 2013

Bolsover District School Sports Leader Awards

Our nominees and their background

Between them they have clocked up hundreds of voluntary hours in their schools over the last year.  These individuals and others like them are set to become the coaches and volunteers of the future.  They have undertaken various roles including assisting and supporting lunch time and after school clubs and officiating primary and secondary competitions in a range of sports including Dance, Boccia, Basketball, Kurling, Football and multi sport.

From Stubbin Wood School – Shannon Montague and Richard Jarvis both of whom have completed the Level 1 Award in Sports Leadership and have supported sessions in school and with local primary schools.

Shannon has taken on a mentoring role for the latest sport leader trainees at her school and Richard has learnt to officiate and coach a number of sports which has developed his confidence and self esteem.  
And from Heritage High School let’s hear it for Keegan Burton, a Sports Ambassador for the district and a real star in the Football Futures programme that saw 28 Young Leaders attending 6 sessions across the district.

And finally from Shirebrook Academy, we have Brya- Le Holloway and Natalia Rea.  Both Brya Le and Natalia have completed the Level 1 award in Sports Volunteering and the Level 2 Award in Community Sports Leadership.  Brya Le and Natalia have supported a number of lunch time and after school clubs and was part of a team of students who planned and delivered Shirebrook Academy’s sports day at Moorways Stadium where over 600 students took part.


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