Friday 27 September 2013

Bolsover District Service to Sport


Have made an outstanding voluntary contribution to sport as an administrator or official over a minimum of 5 years.

And the nominees are...

This award is sponsored by 


Bolsover District Community Coach of the Year


A qualified coach (unpaid) who in their own time has made a major contribution to the lives of people through their coaching.

Creates a positive environment and is athlete centred.

A positive role model for their performers.

And the nominees are...

This award is sponsored by 


Bolsover District Club of the Year


Made a substantial contribution to the local community.

Is likely to have achieved or be working to achieve Clubmark or similar club acrediation and have good school to club links.

Will have committed coaches and volunteers and the club will have developed over recent years.

The club performers may not necessarily be performing at a high level.

And the nominees are...

This award is sponsored by 


Bolsover District Young Sports Leader and Young Sports Coach of the Year


Aged under 25 on 31 August 2013.

Qualified as an unpaid sports leader or coach and has been actively leading/coaching with sports performers.

Committed to developing as a coach and to helping others improve.

A positive role model for participants and other young leaders and coaches. 

And the nominees are...

This award is sponsored by 


Bolsover District Stepping Stones Awards

Our winners and their background

Stepping Stones is a basic criteria for clubs to aspire to which aims to reflect good practice in club development.  The criteria, created by the Sports Development Team has been developed to support clubs in working towards the nationally recognised accreditation - Clubmark and it will assist clubs in becoming stronger and more sustainable whilst highlighting the good work already being done. Within the last year 3 clubs have achieved this standard.

A huge well done to:

  • Shirebrook Cricket Club 
  • Whitwell Cricket Club 
  • Shirebrook Bowls Club 


Bolsover District Champion Schools

Our nominees and their background

Half of all Year 5 and 6 pupils have represented their primary school in one of a range of sports – there were over 60 primary events last year across the 5 clusters. We award points for performance and participation in these competitions and the winners annually receive our Champion Schools Awards.

Schools are categorised into 3 equal groups - small, medium and large.

Small School Winner

Our Small School winner again this year simply entered everything. They really do see the educational benefits of a focus on engagement for their pupils. They almost won a Partnership event too, losing by one point to Glebe in the Mini Tennis. They scored virtually twice as many points as any other school – congratulations to Palterton Primary.

Medium School Winner

Our Champion Medium School have continued where they left off last year and have again dominated competitions in this category. Like Palterton a moment ago, they take PE and Sport really seriously and understand the benefits of competition and high quality PE. Well done to Model Village Primary School from Shirebrook.

Large School Winner

Our winner of the Large Schools Award have always featured at this ceremony. This year saw them sending teams in Tri golf, Quadkids athletics and mini tennis to the County School Games event at Trent College in July. People can say that it is easy for a large school but it is the after school clubs and the high quality of PE that stand them out. A fantastic well done to Glebe Junior School

Secondary School 

At secondary school level, there have been some great achievements and initiatives.  Cricket featured highly as it tends to in this district. An under 13 Boys competition saw Tibshelf School go through to the County Final where they did superbly to emerge as runners up.


Bolsover District School Sports Leader Awards

Our nominees and their background

Between them they have clocked up hundreds of voluntary hours in their schools over the last year.  These individuals and others like them are set to become the coaches and volunteers of the future.  They have undertaken various roles including assisting and supporting lunch time and after school clubs and officiating primary and secondary competitions in a range of sports including Dance, Boccia, Basketball, Kurling, Football and multi sport.

From Stubbin Wood School – Shannon Montague and Richard Jarvis both of whom have completed the Level 1 Award in Sports Leadership and have supported sessions in school and with local primary schools.

Shannon has taken on a mentoring role for the latest sport leader trainees at her school and Richard has learnt to officiate and coach a number of sports which has developed his confidence and self esteem.  
And from Heritage High School let’s hear it for Keegan Burton, a Sports Ambassador for the district and a real star in the Football Futures programme that saw 28 Young Leaders attending 6 sessions across the district.

And finally from Shirebrook Academy, we have Brya- Le Holloway and Natalia Rea.  Both Brya Le and Natalia have completed the Level 1 award in Sports Volunteering and the Level 2 Award in Community Sports Leadership.  Brya Le and Natalia have supported a number of lunch time and after school clubs and was part of a team of students who planned and delivered Shirebrook Academy’s sports day at Moorways Stadium where over 600 students took part.


Bolsover District Junior Team of the Year


A team of 2 or more people aged under 18 on 31 August 2013 who have participated in a team competition. Subsections of an overall team will not be eligible.
Individual teams who have achieved success in their chosen sport at district, county, regional, national or international level.
A committed team who have shown motivation, determination and sportsmanship throughout their season. 

And the nominees are...

This award is sponsored by 


Bolsover District Junior Sportsman of the Year


Aged under 18 on 31 August 2013.

Shown great sportsmanship, motivation and determination in their sport

Have displayed an outstanding level of personal achievement at district, county, regional, national or international level.

And the nominees are...

This award is sponsored by 


Bolsover District Junior Sportswoman of the Year


Aged under 18 on 31 August 2013.

Shown great sportsmanship, motivation and determination in their sport

Have displayed an outstanding level of personal achievement at district, county, regional, national or international level.

And the nominees are...

This award is sponsored by 


Bolsover District Disabled Sportserson of the Year


Shown great sportsmanship, motivation and determination in their sport

Have displayed an outstanding level of personal achievement at district, county, regional, national or international level.

And the nominees are...

This award is sponsored by 

Hardwick Clinical Commissioning Group 

Bolsover District Sportsperson of the Year


Shown great sportsmanship, motivation and determination in their sport

Have displayed an outstanding level of personal achievement at district, county, regional, national or international level.

And the nominees are...

This award is sponsored by